
Scouts NSW - 1st Helensburgh Scout Group

Camping information

Camping and hiking is at the core of Scouts is known for. Camping is done at a variety of places all over Australia, however we do try to keep fairly local most of the time.

Fees for camps are only enough to cover the basic costs incurred which we try to keep to a minimum. They will include:

  • Campsite fees
  • Food costs
  • Transportation
  • Consumables such as gas, cleaning and sanitary supplies

Our group does have some basic equipment that can be loaned out to participants who we realise are new to the experience and may not have everything they need. Typically we can loan out tents, hike stoves and backpacks. Ocasionally we may be able to supply other equipment depending on what we have on hand at the time.

We encourage our members to obtain reasonable quality sleeping bags and footwear if they can.

There are a few types of camps that we regularly participate in.

Light Weight Camping

Light weight camping refers to camps where the youth are required to carry their own, clothes, sleeping gear, tent, food and cooking equipment with them for the duration of the camp. Youth members will be responsible for preparing their own meals and cleaning up afterwards. This can be either a hike or an activity based camp where there will not be camping kitchen facilities available.

Recommended pack list:


Lightweight cooking meal suggestions:


Standing Camp

This type of camp is where the youth will setup a base camp typically with a gazebo, tables and gas cooking faciltities available. Youth members will share cooking and cleaning responsibilities (or duties) via a roster system. This type of camping is common for longer camps or camps where there will not be travel between multiple locations throughout the weekend. While it is recommended that youth do not over pack there is more leeway with what they can bring with them.

The group will provide all of the core equipment for these camps however youth are welcome to bring their own tents if they wish.

Recommended pack list:
