
Scouts NSW - 1st Helensburgh Scout Group

Adult Leadership

Adults in Scouting

All Scout groups are operating and run by volunteers (aka parents such as yourselves). The youth members benefit the most when there is a steady supporting group of adults all helping out.

From direct leadership to just coming along to join in the fun - please be involved!

Supervision requirements

To maintain standards we are required to ensure that any activity involving youth has at least 2 adults present. In the event that we can not meet this requirements will result in the cancellation of the activity. At no time is any adult or parent to be alone with youth members while at a Scouting activity or event.

Any adult (including parents!) participating in an overnight event must obtain a NSW Govt Working With Childrens Check (WWWC) number plus complete two mandatory ScoutsNSW training modules covering OH&S and Child Safety.

Adult Involvement


Leaders oversee the weekly program for the youth age groups. They are involved directly with organsing and ensuring that the youth are having fun and doing a variety of activities. They also get to experience everything themselves, so our leaders probably have almost as much fun as the youth they are taking care of. Leaders also see the youth developing and growing through the experience Scouts provides which is one of the most rewarding parts of the role.

Upon joining, Leaders receive extensive training from Scouts Australia via their accredited training institute. After the initial training regime there are ongoing opportunities to receive Certificates and even Diploma level qualifacations via Scouts Australia. There are also opportunities to gain valuable skills in outdoor adventure areas such as abseiling, kyaking, remote first aid and more. The more qualifications our leaders gain the more experiences we can provide to our youth members.


Behind the scenes of each group there are administrative tasks that must be done to keep the group healthy. This includes administration of finances, hall maintenance, fundraising efforts, local marketing and communications and anything else the group needs to be able to support the leaders and youth members.

Our committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Helensburgh Hotel. All parents are encouraged to come along.

Adult Helpers

All adults are able to help assist our leaders with meeting and activties if they wish. In fact we encourage it! We do ask that all parents formally register online as an adult helper https://1st-helensburgh.group.scoutsnsw.com.au/registration, obtain their WWWC from the NSW Govt and complete the two online training modules through Scouts. This ensures that everyone is included under our insurance cover and allows parents to participate in overnight activities (eg camps) when they arise without scrambing to meet our minimum requirements.